Thursday 22 January 2009

Give Me Names, I'll Give You God

Ubisoft has just announced a bunch of new games for 2009/2010. The report over on Kotaku mentioned a few moderately interesting titles, but most interesting of all was the mention of Assassin's Creed 2. Whilst those who have finished the game will be aware that a sequel was in development (I can't go into more without really spoiling the story for those who have yet to finish it), it's nice to know that number two isn't too far away. I for one can't wait to see what Altair has been up to.

Also mentioned was a sequel to Red Steel which will make use of the new Motion Plus on the Wii, although no more details than that were announced. Although it was flawed, Red Steel was still a reasonable game. It would be great to see what Ubisoft could do for the next game, knowing what they do now about how to use the Wii hardware, plus having the much mooted Motion Plus.

Oh, and if you haven't played Assassin's Creed, the title of this post is a quote from the game, we don't actually operate a names-for-God exchange system here... Sorry. But pick up Assassin's Creed, play it and be grateful that your wait for the sequel wont be as long as mine.


  1. Thanks for following LWM. Together we can turn this whole world around.

  2. Brilliant, now we just need a course captain! What about, France?

    Cheers for the interest in We Live In Games, hope you enjoy the content.

  3. i played assasins creed and the game is awesome!!
