Monday, 23 February 2009

Hey! You Got PSP 2 In My PSP-4000

It's been reported over on VideoGames247, that whilst the rumours that Sony regularly shot down about the PSP 2 being well into development are indeed false, the electronics giant has another card to play. Apparently the PSP is due another visit to the surgery for a cosmetic overhaul, but unlike the minor changes that occur ed in the 2000 and 3000 models of lighter, smaller and prettier, this one looks set to be a major aesthetic overhaul.

How major you ask, well if you remember the old mock ups that surfaced on the Internet quite some time ago (see image on top right), it turns out that you wouldn't be too far away from what Sony have planned. Apparently we're going to see a front sliding screen (just like the mock ups) and I would assume another jump in screen quality, hopefully sorting out the problems that were had with the PSP-3000's screen.

According to rumours that originated on Eurogamer, we will also be seeing an end of 2009 release.

Whilst I'm cautiously optimistic about this news, especially seeing as nothing has been announced over at Sony yet, this seems like a great move for the company. The PSP still has a handful of good titles on the way, and an awesome back catalogue of games of available, many of which are dirt cheap nowadays. A re-release could encourage those who aren't on board yet to buy, and the cheap games are a great incentive when you consider how bad the economy is at the moment.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for an official announcement and post as soon as solid details surface.

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