Sunday 22 February 2009

Apologies And Head Shots

I've been stressed. Stressed to the teeth! A combination of degree commitments and those of the money earning kind, left me feeling exhausted and run down. As a result I got sick. Very sick! So sick that walking up and down the stairs hurt a lot. As a result of both a heavy work load and feeling really under the weather I haven't been able to play game for a while, let alone write about them. So lets get it out of the way, apologies for the lack of posting and apologies for any future interruptions to an otherwise regular service.

Now onto more fun things. I've been increasing my online presence on Xbox Live through Call of Duty 4, a game I hadn't played for quite some time, and was I ever amazed. The game still looks amazing, despite being over a year old, and there's still a huge online community. Most importantly, the game plays smoother than most recently released titles. It took me all of 5 minutes to remember all the controls and my old strategies and probably 5 more before I started to adapt to the those who have obviously not put the game down since it came out, and changed how I played. All those old hiding spots had changed, people had begun using the maps in different ways. Did that challenge ever make the game fun. I've been enjoying this game to the exclusion of a big stack of games I've yet to play.

So what's left to, well, loathe? Well, I still hate (as with every game online) the fact that headsets exist and that people insist on using them. Oh yes, and the fact that they're either 12 or sound like they have about two brain cells. Why some silly Muppet insisted on telling everyone on the map where they were is completely beyond me. Not that I took advantage and killed him off a few times to make a point. Oh, and on behalf of everyone who plays online, whistling a merry tune down the mike is not acceptable. Please either stop or promise to never reproduce. Beyond that my only other personal grievance is with the snipers. Boy do I ever hate snipers. I really appreciate the skill in what you do, and to those who do it well and remember to move and not just camp, it's so sweet when I get the rare opportunity to stab you from behind. But it is so aggravating to be killed from miles away by an unknown killer. Keep it up, but don't be a sleazy camper, because girls wont sleep with you if you do. And they know, they can tell!

So the game is still great, and although I'm only at rank 23 at type of posting, I'm still hitting the top three in Free-For-All on a pretty regular basis. If you play feel free to add me, my gamer tag is BlueTagBukowski, and if you hadn't noticed yet, I now have my gamer card posted in the right hand column of the blog.

Hope to see you online.

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