First of all, I forgot to talk about the final boss fight which, as with Gears of War 2, was a bit of a let down. The boss offers no real serious challenge and basically just requires you to finish a level as quickly as is humanly possible. Compared to the challenge presented by the rest of the game this felt somewhat like a joke! I mean, the end boss shouldn't be impossible (I'm shaking my head at Devil May Cry 4 right now!), but it should be a real test to show that you can use all the skills that you've learned in the game.
The other point I failed to raise was the fact that the game dishes out achievement points like they're going out of style. I was shocked by how many points I had earned by the end of the game, but I suppose I should have expected that I would be earning a lot, as the game rewards you for watching the opening cinematic! Whether or not you see this as a good or bad point depends upon your view on achievement points, personally I'm not sure if I liked it or not, but it did sit consistently with the pacing of the game, and the rewards where for genuine things such as mastering a technique as well as for mundane things like finishing a part of the quest.
I know that I've mentioned this in the review, but the final minutes of the game are totally unexpected and honestly gave the game one of the greatest endings I've ever witnessed in a game. If I wasn't so against spoilers I would splurge everything to you right now, but I know that would be wrong. The game is obviously a set up for a continuing saga, or possibly a trilogy like last generations Prince of Persia games. All I'll give away about the ending is that the final achievment was named; To Be Continued...
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